EPISODE 20 - Tobias Penno
“I did a full 'deep dive’ into medicine work”
Tobias Penno
In today’s podcast, I spoke with Tobias Penno. Tobias is a Registered Social Worker with the 'Australian Association of Social Workers', and he has more recently focussed his career to become a mental health practitioner. Tobias believes that individuals have the wisdom necessary to work through their current life challenges, and sees his role as a ‘co-researcher’ working collaboratively with his clients towards their growth and healing. Tobias weaves together elements from a variety of different modalities. One of his central aims is to help his clients ostensibly ‘re-author’ the stories they tell themselves - about themselves.
In today’s podcast We Discuss;
His background as a Social Worker and his initial experiences with Ayahuasca in the Sacred Valley,
Tobias previous podcasts: S2 EP1 ‘asking for a friend’ podcast, and EP21 “Men Sex and Pleasure Podcast",
The importance of good ‘psychedelic mentors’
How his relationship with psychedelics has become more cautious over time,
His exponential growth in his capacity to share his feelings of love with his friends and family post psychedelics,
The potential complexity of physically travelling whilst you are psychologically integrating (a.k.a. as the ‘exotic grind’)
Tobias’ personal ‘Dieta’ when he recapitulated his own personal solitary ‘self-made’ psychedelic retreat.
The hummingbird retreat in Peru, and the issue of ‘Shonky Shamans’
The importance of journaling and how Tobias believes integration is a balance of ‘being’ and ‘thinking’
Tobias' master’s literature review into Ayahuasca experiences,
The integral role that Tobias believes Social Workers have to play in the field of psychedelics- and how psychedelics might be able to help (in a more holistic sense) in the field of Child Protection,
How Psychedelics can help with front line workers experiencing ‘burn-out’
The Inner Socratic voice,
The elements of a healthy integrative process and the importance of having some conventional therapy running in parallel,
How Tobias thinks of Somatic work,
Pierre Bouchard’s notion that integration is ‘integrative’
the interplay between embodiment and psychedelics,
The concept of ‘Self Energy’ in I.F.S.
The capacity to use psychedelics for Truth and Reconciliation
Tobias Penno
Social Worker, Emotional Health Practitioner
Tobias Penno is an Emotional Health Practitioner & Social Worker with a background in Government Child Protection and Counselling. After years of professionally managing extreme child, family and relationship stress, Tobias has found his passion in healing Emotional Pain & Trauma through the body. Tobias is currently supporting clients two days per week in his private practice, and working on his PhD three days per week, keeping a finger on the pulse of practice and research. Tobias wrote an award-winning dissertation titled How Ayahuasca Offers Psychosocial Wellbeing and is now working on a research project investigating the role of the therapist in psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy.